If you are reading this, you probably feel like your life is crashing in around you. You have just discovered your partner’s compulsive sexual behavior that has been hidden from you for who knows how long. Or you are reading this because your partner has found what you have been kept hidden for so long. Sexual betrayal can rock the foundation of a relationship. Shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression are just some of the common reactions to discovering compulsive sexual behavior. Sexual addiction or pornography addiction is more than just having a single affair, yet it is different for each couple that is dealing with the effects of compulsive sexual behavior. While you might view the affair as sexual addiction, it might be, or it might not be. Keep reading about what sexual addiction and pornography addiction looks like below and check out our service on affair therapy.
The Fallout From Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Couples who are seeking out relationship therapy to work through sex addiction and porn addiction are working through complicated and painful emotions. When you have one partner is who is acting out sexually and hides it from the other partner ti creates hurt, pain, anger, sadness, and mistrust. For most couples, it doesn’t matter what the compulsive sexual behavior is what matters is that is is negatively impacting their relationship and if it doesn’t change will destroy the relationship. Sexual compulsive behavior shows up in pornography overuse, compulsive masturbation, having numerous affairs, using dating apps or other apps to talk to someone other than your partner sexually, to paying for sex, having multiple partners outside your romantic relationship or taking part in risk-taking sexual behavior.

The Hurt Partner Fallout
When someone you love hurts you so profoundly, it is called relationship trauma or betrayal trauma. The emotional pain that comes from finding out about your partner’s issues with sex or pornography can create this drama. The overwhelming nature of relationship trauma is making the way you would typically deal not to work anymore. The relationship itself has become a sore of danger rather than a source of safety. When you find out about the hidden compulsive sexual behaviors, it can create a loss of a sense of self, changeling your identity, security, and stability. You could be feeling like every aspect of your life including work, parenting, faith, and friendships is being changed.
The Partner with Compulsive Sexual Behavior
You are experiencing a wash of conflicting emotions, from feeling a sense of relief that you do not have to keep secrets anymore. To feelings of shame, guilt, regret, and hopelessness. Since the discovery of problematic sexual behavior or pornography use, you might have been able to stop. Yet, you are now worried, anxious about what is going to happen with your relationship. You will need to set down a new road of discovering a lifestyle of recovery that will include couples counseling and individual recovery. To learn more about individual recover from sexual addiction or pornography addiction
How Pornography Addiction Affects Your Relationship

It might be pornography addiction, or it might just be the overuse of pornography, no matter what you call it it’s impacting your relationship. Hiding your porn use has created mistrust in the relationship. Your partner will think if you are hiding this what else couple you be hiding from me. When you overuse pornography, you might be finding yourself looking at more and more extream images or looking at something that you would never actually want to do. When you look at porn you are escaping from your life, generally at times when your partner needs you.
Common Issues for Pornography Overuse
- Lack of interest in sex with your partner
- Possible erectile dysfunction while having intercourse
- Lack of ability to climax during intercourse OR premature climax
- Recall of pornography images to maintain an erection while having intercourse
- Spending more money and time then you would like on the Pursuit of pornography
How Sexual Addiction Affects Your Relationship
From sexting, multiple affairs, to risk-taking sexual behavior your compulsive sexual behavior is harming your relationship. Your partner is fearful, angry, sad and hurt and you might be feeling shame, guilt, and hopelessness. Mistrust has grown because you were not where you said you were and spending money that your partner did not know about. Harmful sexual behaviors vary by the relationship but the pain and hurt that these behaviors cause are the same.

Common Issues with Sexual Addiction
- Multiple affairs or infidelity
- Risk-taking sexual behavior
- Spending more money and time then you would like on the pursuit of sex
- Sending sexual images via text, or sexting to others that are not your partner
- Healing the Pain created by Sexual Addiction & Porgorany Addiction With Couples Counseling
At Richer Life Counseling Las Vegas we help couples work through the complex nature of sexual addiction and pornography addiction. When you seek out therapy with us, you can reconstruct your marriage repairing it from the trauma. However, couples counseling is not a short-term fix or something you can do for a few session. We have a strutted approach to help your relationship heal from sexual addiction and pornography addiction.
Richer Life Counseling Approach to Healing
Stopping Sexual Addiction & Pornography Addiction
Stopping all unhealthy sexual behavior is hard. Through couples counseling, the couple will learn how to address what behaviors must change. The partner with compulsive sexual behavior will learn how to work through addictive behaviors. While the hurting partner will learn how to set clear boundaries. We recommend that the partner with the compulsive sexual behavior seek out individual therapy or a recovery program. You can check out our recovery program that is both a process group and online recovery at www.richerliferecovery.com
Build Trust
Once boundaries are put into place, and the partner who was sexually acting out is in recovery. The couple moves to what is needed to build trust. Couples must learn to show up for each other in new ways. Becoming emotionally vulnerable, and empathic towards each other. Avoiding old ways of conflict and learning new communication skills.
Repairing & Straightening
The last stage of sexual addiction & pornography addiction couples counseling is healing the wounds that have were created in the relationship. Then learning new ways to protect the relationship at all cost. Streaghting the relationship comes in forms of new communication, new behaviors, and structure in what you want your relationship to be like.

Couples who come to couples counseling move through our approach to healing will work understand the role they both need to play in repairing the relationship. With the help of a therapist, both partners will learn to express the pain, hurt, sadness and shame that comes from sex addiction and porn addiction.
Healing Your Relationship From Sex Addiction & Porn Addiction.
Couples who have achieved emotional safety, have rebuilt trust, and learn how to make a meaningful emotional connection with each other. Will move towards the ending stages of therapy. Couples will learn how to forgive the compulsive sexual behavior. The hurt partner can learn to forgive the hurtful behaviors without ignoring the hurt of the behaviors. The hurt partner will learn to hold the pain and help create safety. The couple then moves into developing a healthy long lasting relationship that is more connected physically and emotional than ever before in the relationship.
What keeps Couples Away from Couples Counseling
Why stay married after betrayal?
I’ve always told myself (and everyone else in my life) that if I were in a relationship where my partner had an affair(s), I would leave. We have heard this form many hurt partners that we work with. We have even heard I left every other relationship when someone had an affair, but this one seems so hard to leave. There is never just one reason why you will want to stay and repair with your partner. It is hard work, it is painful work. But we have seen many couples who find that healing the pain of infidelity through affair therapy has provided them with a healthier happier relationship.
Can a marriage work after finding out about sexual addiction or porn addiction?
Marriage can work after finding out. Marriage is a commitment to be there for your partner. No matter the reason why the additive behavior exist both partners can learn how to make a healthier marriage. Many couples will avoid thinking or talking about sexual compulsive behavior, but the hurt will linger on and come back at some point in the relationship if you do not address it. Clients who we have worked with will not just heal the hurts of the sexual compulsive behavior but will leave therapy having a healthier relationship than ever before.
Why seek out a counselor who specializes in sexual addiction and pornography addiction?
Seeking a counselor specializing in sexual addiction and pornography addiction will lead to more profound healing. Many therapists might use their judgments about sex and sexual addiction and pornography addiction when treating it. At Richer Life Counseling we specialize in helping relationship heal from sexual addiction and pornography addiction. We do more than just giving out worksheets, and talking about the addition. Couples will learn to access what lead to the breach of trust, and how to safeguard their relationship form any future violations of trust

Start Healing Today
It is never too late to start to recover your relationship from sexual addiction and pornography addiction. We are accepting new clients and would love to answer any questions you have about sexual addiction and pornography addiction. You can check out our recovery program at www.richerliferecovery.com or read our sexual addiction and pornography addiction blog.