As a man do you feel like you should have it all together but feel like you don’t?
Most men that I have worked with head into men’s counseling sessions, looking for a male therapist who is going to help them solve their problems directly and efficiently. For many when talking about feelings, it brings up the thought that something is wrong, or you are not doing it right. Many men’s issues day revolve around our ability to know what being a man is. Men’s issues today can touch so many different aspects of your life, you might not know where to start. Here are some common men’s issues.
Anger, Anxiety, and Depression
Most men will face issues with anger, anxiety or depression at some point in their lifetime. For most men one of the only emotions that we are allowed to express without judgment is anger. The problem comes is that if when life gets overwhelming expressing ourselves in anger is not always helpful. Expressing anger can create disconnection with your partner, children and could create issues at work.

Men deal with anxiety and the pressure that comes from providing. Worrying about money, family, and work can create pressor that leads to lack of sleep and racing thoughts about how to fix aspects of your life. Click here to learn more about how we work with anxiety.
Fatherhood Issues

Most men will ask themselves at some point in there life “Am I a good father.” Fatherhood and providing for the family is rewarding but can be overwhelming. From dealing with raising children through a divorce, or just the pressor to be a good father. Most men had a distant father who would work and provide but was emotionally distant. Creating a struggle that you want to be more present for your children but don’t know how to show up for them in a different way.
Marriage Issues
Men deeply love their wives, but sometimes struggle in showing it. Maybe you have checked out, or don’t know how to tell her that you love her. While couples counseling can be helpful, many men need to look within themselves and find the part of themselves that wants to connect. As men we grow up not learning how too emotionally connect to our partners, we learn to problem solve and take care of but struggle to give our partners the emotional support they need. Click here to learn about couples counseling.
Sex and Intimacy
From sexless marriages, hiding your porn use from your partner to having affairs or thinking of having an affair. Sex and intimacy is an aspect to our masculinity that you might struggle with, learning how to find who you are in sex and intimacy and then sharing it might not be something you know how to do or want to do. If you do not learn how to access this part of yourself and become comfortable, you might lose the most important relationship in your life.

You might have connected with some of these issues, and some not so much. Maybe you are confused about what type of husband you are, or if your a good dad. Alternatively, you have noticed that you are numbing your stress, emotions away with drinking, porn or overworking. Some people might say you’re just having a mid-life crisis and you might think that yourself. That might explain why you are having an affair or interested in starting an affair. Click here to learn how we work with porn addiction.
Many men struggle with these problems but never seek help.
There is a myth that many men believe. This myth that accessing emotions and sharing them is a weakness. That is something we all learn from the “Guys Code” at an early age. As men, we all grow up learning to hold back parts of ourself, and only express aspects of who we are in anger, work, or sports. Our culture, relationships, and friendships require so much more than just working hard. Men have to show up for the important people in their lives.
As men, we struggle to show up in the ways our partners, friends, family want us to. If we are honest, how we want to show up for ourselves in our own life. We get caught up in escaping or numbing out with work, porn, or just playing mindless games on our phone. Other men might feel like they give all of themselves to work, family, and friends but feel lost in who they are. Some men feel as if they are lost in the desert and want to get found but don’t know which way to go.

Therapy for Men
As a male therapist, who works especially with men’s mental health issues I have worked with many men who didn’t know what to expect when they started therapy. They come in with a wide range of issues some of which are listed above. These men find that they know that want more out of life and their relationship but don’t know where to start. When these men come to my office, they learn to look within and see parts of themselves they might have been ignoring. In our work together I do not force them to change, or tell them what they are doing is wrong. What we do is learn how to access new parts of themselves, thus creating positive change in their life.
The Refined Man
Men who dare to seek out therapy with a male counselor learn how to connect in a deeper level with the relationship and friendships. Men I have worked with have saved their marriages and found new confidence in work and fatherhood. Many men find a more profound connection with male friends, and learn to access all parts of their masculinity. They are learning to leave behind the unhealthy aspect of their masculinity. Becoming a refined man is about accepting all parts of your manhood and living the best life you can.
What stops men from living their best life?
Will therapy make me weaker? A common myth that exists in our society is access emotion and sharing them makes you a week man. When we see men, who are courageous and share their emotions we see them as strong. Our wives see us show them how much we care, they fall deeper in love with us. We hug our children and tell them we love them, they feel safe and cared for. Therapy doesn’t make you weaker as a man; therapy helps you find your strength as a man, by helping you show up in your life like never before.
How will looking at my past or my “feelings” help me? Men love to problem solve. Even when we are learning to play as little boys, we are always in problem-solving mode. This mode gets in our way sometimes, so we don’t look at our past or our feelings. Men want to solve the problem! Looking at your history or your feelings is the most logical thing you can do. Your past has created the themes in your life that keep repeating, and until you see these themes, you will keep repeating them. Your emotions are just information for you to learn how to digest. There is a logic to emotions, and men’s counseling will help you determine the logic to your emotions and maybe, more importantly, the logic to your patterns emotions.
I don’t want my therapist to change me or tell me to change! Finding a good therapist isn’t easy. Finding a therapist who works with men, who isn’t going to tell you what to do is hard. Many therapists will give you a list of actives or things to do to change. The men I have worked with in men’s therapy do not rely on me to change them. We work together to see parts of yourself that you want to develop and integrate into who you are. Therapy isn’t about chaining who you are, its about developing all aspect of yourself and combining it with the man you already are.

Become A Better Man Today
Give us a call today if you are ready to live a different life as a man. If you are prepared to start working with a male therapist give me a call at 702-518-1546. Alternatively, you can click here to schedule a session or click the link below.
We can typically get you into a session within 24 or 48 hours. Our office is located in west Las Vegas in the heart of Summerland. Our address is 9414 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89134
If you would like to learn more about common issues facing Men, please check out our Men’s Blog by clicking here.