Common Reasons Why People Go To Counseling

You might be thinking that you need counseling, or someone you know needs counseling. When talking about Counseling or Therapy (there is a slight difference, and you can read about it here), I mean the same thing. While counseling is becoming more acceptable within our culture some myth still exist (click here to read common myths). Like counseling is for people who are weak! While these are myths, they can keep you from taking the steps to change and have a better life. Here are 3 common reasons why people go to counseling.

Richer Life Counseling Las Vegas Marriage and Family Therapy Presents

Common Reasons why people go to Counseling

Internal Issues


Internal issues are anything that is happening inside of your head, or your control. This includes thoughts, and feelings that are deep within you, such as anxiety, depression, shame, and even being stuck in a bad behavior you cannot break.

  • You might feel frustrated with your life, your family, relationship or career.
  • You might have one major “issue” that just does not seem to be going away
  • You feel very intense about parts of your life; that might be harming you or your relationships
  • You have had a traumatic event, and you cannot stop thinking about it.

    Trauma is different for everyone. Trauma can be anything that has negatively affected your life, and has impacted the person you have become today.

  • You have physical symptoms that your doctor states is in your head such as headaches, stomachaches, weekend immune system
  • You are turning to unhealthy behaviors to cope
    1. Including drugs, alcohol, sex, and can even include excessive shopping or video games.
  • Feeling disconnected from your life with no Direction


Richer Life Counseling Las Vegas Marriage and Family Therapy Presents

Common Reasons why people go to Counseling

External Issues

External issues are those types of problems that seem to come from outside of your control. This would include most relationship type issues.

  • Getting feedback from work that you are not a team player, or not performing well with others
  • Your friendships feel strained, or you cannot seem to hold onto friendships or relationships
  • You feel disconnected, resentful and angry towards your family.
  • Your friends are worried about you and have encouraged you to seek out counseling.
  • You friends and family are tired of hearing the same issue and have stopped listening to you.

Richer Life Counseling Las Vegas Marriage and Family Therapy Presents

Common Reasons why people go to Counseling

Symptoms of Something Bigger

While all of the above can create symptoms sometimes it hard to start to identify issues within our life until they become so big that we can no longer manage them. Below is a very short list of symptoms or diagnosis that can be treated within the counseling session.

  • Anxiety – from racing thought, to worrying that is out of control.
  • Depression – from not wanting to get out of bed, to feelings of despair and hopelessness.
  • Body Image – feeling you must change a physical part of yourself to become something better .
  • Abuse or Trauma – learning how past abuse and past trauma has played a role in who you are.
  • Codependence –Can include solving the other person problem, not having clear boundaries, keeping and having family secrets.
  • Sexual issues – from porn addiction, to infidelity, to understanding your sexual identity.
  • Grief – from the loss of a loved one, to loss of a future, grief comes in all shape and sizes.
  • Life transition – from getting married to the kids leaving for college, to moving to a city all these life transitions can be tough to manage.

Life can be wonderful, full of joy, and finding a piece of metal serenity is something that everyone can achieve. At Richer Life Counseling Las Vegas Marriage and Family Therapy we believe that through the journey of counseling, we could help you deal with any of these common reasons why people go to counseling. If you have symptoms of something bigger, external issues, to internal issues listed above counseling can help with any of them.
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Did we leave something out leave a comment below if you think we should add something to our list of common reasons why people go to counseling. If one of these might apply to you download our free questionnaire “Is Counseling Right For You?” Click Here to Downloadto see if now is a good time to start the counseling process.

If you live in Las Vegas and are ready to schedule a session click here.

Tyler Rich LMFT
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