What are my anxiety triggers?

Does your anxiety just seem to come out of nowhere? I know for me when I get anxious it doesn’t seem to start from anything particular. It just hit and I can feel my thoughts taking control. My thoughts are like a hampster on a wheel, turning faster and faster. If you’re like me anxiety can feel like it is taking over your life! I have written on how anxiety differs from normal stress CLICK HERE. Along with sharing 15 quick ways to lower your anxiety CLICK HERE to read that post. Luckily, I have learned that if I can spot my trigger for anxiety then I can stop it from becoming out of control. If you have anxiety, you should be asking yourself, “what are my anxiety triggers?”

Think of a trigger as your brain’s way of setting off a fire alarm or warning lights. A trigger can be anything that sets off your personal “red alert.” When something happens we call it a trigger and your brain is flashing back to a different time. Even if you do not consider yourself having a trauma in your past. Your brain might have learned to react to small traumas in your life. Thus, learning to protect yourself.

Everyone has different triggers for different reasons. Some people have triggers that are connected to relationships, addictions, and feelings of being anxious. Not all triggers have to be connected to uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes a trigger can create feelings of nostalgia, and wonderful memories. Some triggers can include:


If you see something that is similar to an anxious event in your life, that can be a trigger.

  • If you get anxious because of a car accident you had years ago, and someone pulls out in front of you like they did in the accident, your brain might go into “red alert.”
  • Finding out about an affair and driving past the part of town where the affair took place can be a trigger.
  • If the death of someone close to you took place on the 4th of July the every July you are triggered with the same feelings.


From hearing music that takes you back, to having someone yell at you the same way your parents did.

  • Your wife criticizes you in the same tone your mother did, and you react the same way.
  • You hear the sound of yelling fans at a football game. You feel a panic attack coming on because of the time you got lost in a crowd with your parents.

Smelling, Touching, and Tasting

As you can tell with the examples listed above, triggers can be connected to anything. From becoming nostalgic and you smelling something similar such as your grandmother’s perfume.

What Are My Anxiety Triggers?

Triggers come in all shapes and sizes. I will list a few common triggers for anxiety below. Before you can deal with your anxiety, you must understand where it comes from and that means understanding your triggers. I tell all my clients to keep a notebook and have one page developed to understanding your triggers, just list them out. We will develop a plan for dealing with them later, first just understand them.

15 Common Anxiety Triggers

  • Too much alone time or too much time to think.
  • Watching the news.
  • Not having set goals or setting your goals too high to be archieved.
  • Money issues (no budget, lack of control over money, high debt).
  • Being around too many people at one time.
  • Being too far away from home.
  • Extremes of what you are used to (Too hot, too cold, too many new people).
  • Thinking about your triggers.
  • Work pressure.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Driving.
  • Too much to do.
  • Getting older.
  • Taking a test.
  • Thinking about the future.

These are just some common anxiety triggers. Did I leave something out? Comment below on any anxiety trigger that I did not list. If you live in the Las Vegas area and are ready to change your anxious thoughts please CLICK HERE to start your journey into a richer, more fulfilled life.

Tyler Rich LMFT
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