Why do we hold onto things that keep us trapped? Have you heard the story of how to trap a monkey? It’s been told that it was the idea of hunters in a jungle to take monkeys to zoos. It’s […]
Every wounder why the joke is therapist ask about feelings? Theres good reason for it. Learn why emotions are so complex and important.
Empathy Series Part 2 Part 2 of our empathy series: Make sure you read part one first before diving into this article on how to build empathy. In our last article, we talked about what is happening in the brain […]
Empathy Series Part 1 What is Empathy? This one skill, when mastered, can be like winning the lottery. Research has shown that when you can have high levels of empathy, you will be more successful in work, friends, partnering, and […]
It’s not just for November It seems like I never hear the word “gratitude” unless it’s Thanksgiving. I wonder, do we–people in general–truly mean what we’re saying and does it even matter? Recently, I’ve come across several articles and studies […]
It happened again, didn’t it? Does it seem like you get stuck in the same type of fight, argument, or bicker with your partner? Most couples seek out couples counseling because they want to work on how they communicate, yet […]
Why Am I Doing It & How Do I Stop? This is my true, personal experience with emotional eating: There I stood, staring into my pantry, searching for anything that would taste yummy and make me feel good–not physically good […]
At our practice, we specialize in working with couples. One of the most common questions we are asked is how to rebuild trust in a relationship. Trust can be broken in the relationship in several different ways. These ways differ […]
Anxiety and the anxious loved one. It can be so confusing if you’ve never experienced anxiety to the point that it changes your life. If you don’t understand anxiety, then you might feel overwhelmed even at a loss of how […]
You will never feel bad again after reading this. During therapy, I always to ask my clients how are you doing today? The response that I get is varied but falls typically into three different types of categories. The first […]
When I was in grad school, I found myself getting so angry when I would get home after a long day. Why was I upset the dishes still dirty, still sitting in the sink! I could feel my blood starting […]